Inherited Techniques

Inherited techniques are innate techniques that can be passed down through the bloodlines of sorcerer families. These techniques are especially powerful even among cursed techniques.


Limitless is an inherited technique passed down within the Gojo Family. This technique brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing the user to manipulate and distort space at will. While any member of the Gojo Family can hereditarily gain this technique, only those who also possess the Six Eyes as well can truly master the power of the Limitless.

The Six Eyes

Six eyes is a rare ocular jujutsu ability that is inherited within the Gojo Family. It grants the user extraordinary perception and the ability to utilize the Limitless to its fullest potential. Satoru Gojo is the first sorcerer to be born with both the Limitless and the six eyes in the last hundred years.

  • While any member of the Gojo family can inherit the Limitless, only those who also possess the six eyes can truly master the technique's power. No two bearers of the six eyes can exist at the same time. The six eyes provides the user with vast perception and immense brain processing power, allowing them to precisely manipulate the sophisticated powers of the Limitless down to an atomic level. Each of the Limitless techniques requires this type of complex cursed energy manipulation, making the pairing of the six eyes crucial to utilizing the Limitless' cursed techniques to their maximum potential.

  • The six eyes allows the user to see cursed energy in extreme detail. As such the user of the six eyes is able to see the flow of cursed energy, which in turn allows them to read another person's cursed techniques as well. Additionally, the six eyes can differentiate between different types of cursed energy and help the user identify a person based on it.

  • The six eyes can be used to set the Limitless Infinity ability to automatic. This allows the user to instantly read an incoming projectile danger using it's mass, speed, and shape among other factors. By simultaneously using the six eyes to calculate a reverse cursed technique automatically, the user can also keep their brain fresh at all times. However even with the use of a reverse cursed technique, the six eyes will tire out its user a bit more easily unless the eyes are covered.
Neutral Limitless: Infinity

Infinity is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop. The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times.

  • In mathematics, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye. The Limitless brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely.

  • The invisible barrier created by the Infinity can be expanded to keep harmful substances away from the user , or to overpower someone attempting to neutralize their technique. The Infinity can only be deactivated by the user, or countered by Domain Expansion or Domain Amplification. Cursed tools imbued with specialized cursed techniques can also disturb or dispel the Infinity.
Strengthened Limitless: Blue

Like the Limitless technique in general, Blue is difficult to use and requires precise manipulation of the user's cursed energy, which can cause the user to tire out easily.

  • Blue is the Cursed Technique Lapse of the Limitless, which increases the cursed energy output of the technique and generates the power to attract. This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.

  • Anyone who is targeted directly with blue will have their body implode and their limbs instantly crushed. Blue can also be used to attract two targets to one another across wide distances. This same effect can also be used to move the user at high speeds, so fast that it makes them appear as if they're teleporting.

  • Maximum Cursed Energy Output Blue: A highly amplified version of Blue unleashed when its been charged to its full power in order to achieve maximum cursed energy output. This produces a gigantic field of attraction capable of clearing out an entire area.
Reversed Limitless: Red

The reverse Limitless technique is powered by positive reverse cursed energy as opposed to negative cursed energy. This reverses the effect of the strengthened Limitless, producing a strong repelling effect rather than an attracting one.

  • The technique manifests itself as a small, but extremely bright red orb on the tip of the user's finger, representing the very essence of convergence and divergence brought into reality. When released, the explosive output is massive, creating a gigantic shockwave that blows everything away without prejudice. The overall cursed energy output from Red is more than twice that of the strengthened Limitless, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.

  • Generating the reverse cursed energy needed for Red is extremely difficult. It requires an even more complex manipulation of cursed energy than usual, making pulling of cursed technique reversal even more sophisticated than using cursed technique lapse. The user must multiply their negative energy by negative energy in order to create positive energy, a simple concept that proves to be extremely difficult in practice. Being able to use a reverse cursed technique is extremely complicated for any sorcerer, even the most gifted of the Gojo Family.

  • Reverse cursed technique: Satoru was only able to unlock the ability to use a reverse cursed technique after surviving his near-death encounter with Toji Fushiguro. He discovered the core of cursed energy and learned to pour reverse cursed energy into his Limitless technique. This allowed him to successfully utilize red in his rematch with Toji.
Advanced Techniques

While the Limitless technique is already complex by nature, it possesses even more advanced and elaborate techniques than Red and Blue. These techniques require intense training and practice, even for a prodigy of the Gojo Family with the six eyes.

Hollow Technique: Purple

Hollow Purple: is the colliding Limitless, an exceptionally powerful secret extension technique only known to a few in the Gojo Family. This technique brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality. Purple is born from merging both infinites: Blue and Red, to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path.

  • It is initiated by a hand sign that extends the index and pinky fingers outward while leaving the rest folded. Purple is unleashed when the sign switches to a pinching motion using the pointer and thumb while also extending the middle finger. Rather than the attraction of Blue or the repulsion of Red, Purple is an extraordinarily destructive energy wave of annihilation that rips whatever it hits from existence.

  • Extension technique: Until his second confrontation with Toji Fushiguro, Satoru was always unable to use Red and therefore never had access to use Purple. Only after the true power of the Limitless was awakened within Satoru could he utilize Red and potentially Purple. Toji was from the Zenin Family and had information on how to counter Red and Blue. Purple is a secret even within the Gojo Family that few know about. Toji was oblivious to the fact that Satoru could unleash such a devastating attack and suffered a direct hit, completely destroying the left side of his body.
Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void

This Domain Expansion brings the user and their targets inside the Limitless itself, a vast void of infinite knowledge. Boundless raw information floods into the target's mind, overwhelming them to the point where they're completely immobilized.

  • The complete incapacitation of the target is caused by a phenomenon where the target will be able to see and feel everything while not being able to see or feel anything at the same time. All the actions one has taken in their life is forced upon them infinitely and they can't do anything but die slowly. This effect does not affect the user or anyone they're touching with no intent to harm.

  • Unlimited Void is one of, if not the most advanced technique in the arsenal of the Limitless. Satoru Gojo inherited the Six Eyes and likely mastered his Domain Expansion after awakening his full potential after the Star Plasma Vessel escort mission. He first displayed his mastery over his domain when he used it to counter Jogo's Coffin of the Iron Mountain. Unlimited Void was the more refined of the two domains and easily supressed Coffin of the Iron Mountain.

  • Being trapped inside the Limitless left Jogo in a complete trance, to the point where he couldn't move at all and could hardly think clearly. He could only think of how he was helpless due to the endless information invading his mind. Satoru divulged how Unlimited Void forces one's actions upon them infinitely and noted how it was ironic how the target is given everything and yet unable to do anything at all.