
Thus far their have been twelve events, otherwise known as arc's, that have occurred in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Below is an examination of a fraction of those twelve events. The events covered are solely taken from season one of the anime. These events were critical to Yuji's development as a jujutsu sorcerer. They allowed him to hone the basic principals of jujutsu through combat that often times forced Yuji to go beyond what he thought he was capable of. Not only were these events crtical to Yuji's physical development but they similarly strengthened Yuji's resolve in his ideals.

Fearsome Womb Arc

Special grade curse in Cursed Womb Arc

In West Tokyo City, a cursed womb carrying a potential special grade curse appears suddenly. Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara are tasked with rescuing potential survivors trapped in the cursed womb. By the time they arrive, the cursed womb has already produced a special grade cursed spirit and slaughtered all the inhabitants of the remote detention facility. Megumi believes that the inmates can't be redeemed or saved, prompting an argument with Yuji. Nobara is then suddenly separated from them and the special grade curse appears from nowhere. Yuji and Megumi are both stricken with fear due to the sudden appearance of an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. They both immediately recognize the cursed spirits insurmountable gap in strength. Rendering them paralyzed with fair. Yuji remembers his promise to his grandfather and musters the courage to attack with his knife. However, Yuji's hand is instantly severed and his knife is broken in half. Yuji decides to hold it off alone while Megumi goes to save Nobara.

Once Megumi and Nobara are both outside of the center and safe, Yuji unleashes Sukuna to slay the curse. However, Yuji is unable to immediately regain his consciousness after Sukuna defeats the special grade curse. Free with Yuji's body, Sukuna snatches his heart out and takes Yuji's body hostage. Inside Yuji's soul, he fights Sukuna for control. The King of Curses agrees to repair Yuji under the condition he agrees to a binding vow, but Yuji refuses. They stake control of Yuji's body on a deathmatch that the human side instantly loses. However, Yuji awakens, returning to the world of the living and is reunited with Gojo.

Vs. Mahito Arc

Mahito taps into the dark side of Junpei's mind

The Vs. Mahito Arc is the third arc in Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen series. It follows Yuji and grade 1 sorcerer, Kento Nanami as they investigate Mahito's trail of transfigured human corpses. Mahito involves a disheartened young man named Junpei Yoshino, leading him down a dark path. This Arc is possibly the most important arc in all of season one. For the first time Yuji is core principals are challenged. The events of this arc force Yuji to reevaluate how he's going to save those he cares about while learning to grow as a jujutsu sorcerer. The arc begins with the introduction of Junpei Yoshino, who is enjoying a movie at Kinema Cinema. Junpei is a student from Satozakura High School, who has the misfortune of witnessing the brutal demise of his fellow classmates. They're gruesomely transfigured by the hands of the special grade cursed spirit Mahito. Rather than being fearful, Junpei follows Mahito out of the theater and makes his acquaintance. At the same time, having finished his training with Gojo sensei, Yuji is assigned to help grade 1 sorcerer, Kento Nanami. They arrive on the scene together to investigate the murders at Kinema Cinema. The culprit is already gone, but they investigate the premises to find two strange curses lurking on the roof.

Yuji is eager to prove the fruits of his labor but Nanami wants the young man not to go overboard. He doesn't recognize Yuji as a full-blown sorcerer and views him as a child. Yuji uses his newly developed Divergent Fist and Nanami uses his Ratio Technique to easily dispatch the curses. Nanami takes a photo to confirm his suspicions before bringing the corpses back to Doctor Shoko. She discovers that these aren't curses, instead, they're humans who were transfigured by cursed energy.

Inside Mahito's lair, the curse appears to have taken a liking to Junpei and explains the nature of his existence. Mahito feels that he was born from the hate within people and taps into the dark side of Junpei's mind. Junpei is a timid boy who is constantly tormented by bully's at school. This has lead to him developing a deep hatred for other humans. It is this pain that Mahito uses to manipulate Junpei into committing unspeakable acts.

Nanami goes into overtime

Sometime later, the investigation continues above ground with Yuji, Nanami, and Ijichi overlooking the clues left behind by the murders. Nanami decides to send Yuji to question the only known witness at the theater, Junpei. Nanami decides to try and track down the cursed spirit using the residual cursed energy that Mahito left behind. However, Mahito left behind residuals of his cursed energy as an open invitation to the jujutsu sorcerers. Rather than putting Yuji in harm's way, Nanami infiltrates Mahito's lair alone. They fight using their cursed techniques and Nanami manages to break Mahito's guard. Mahito reveals that his ability allows him to re-shape souls, including his own. This makes Mahito capable of healing himself as well as transfiguring others. Rendering Nanami's assaults useless, Mahito takes the upper hand in the bout and injures Nanami by touching his soul. At this point Nanami goes into overtime and manages to crush Mahito by imploading the surrounding area. However, Nanami notes that Mahito most likely survived.

Yuji manages to talk with Junpei at his school and despite their clashing personalities, they manage to bond over movies. They're found by Junpei's mother, Nagi Yoshino, who invites Yuji to dinner. He accepts the offer and eats at the Yoshino house, managing to get along very well with Junpei and his mom. That night, Junpei asks Yuji if he's prepared to kill as a jujutsu sorcerer. Yuji admits that he knows the choice will present itself but wants to believe that he won't devalue human life. After Yuji leaves, Nagi finds one of Sukuna's finger on the table, attracting curses that murder her. Those close to Junpei learn of his mother's death, including Mahito and Yuji.

Junpei realizes that Mahito is an evil person

Mahito influences Junpei to get revenge. He gets Junpei to target his anger at an old classmate named Shota Ito who burned Junpei's face while bullying him. Shota is being recognized at a ceremony at Satozakura High. Junpei interrupts the event, knocking out everyone in the gym and attacking Shota with the cursed techniques he learned from Mahito. Outside, Mahito and Suguru Geto plan on using Junpei to draw out Yuji and Sukuna. Yuji learns about the commotion at the high school and goes alone despite Ijichi's misgivings. Yuji finds Junpei assaulting Shota and stops him. Junpei tells Yuji to stop acting compassionately because it's all lies and people don't have hearts. Yuji feels that Junpei's words are an empty attempt to hide his pain and overpowers by attacking Junpei rather than the shikigami. Junpei can't believe that people have hearts, because someone cursed his mother. He breaks down into tears and uses his shikigami to attack again. This time, Yuji allows himself to be pierced in order to get through to Junpei. Yuji promises to help Junpei find out who killed his mother if the latter will join Jujutsu High. Just as Yuji reaches Junpei's heart, Mahito arrives.

Mahito pins down Yuji and the latter realizes that this is the curse Nanami fought. Junpei tries to tell Yuji to stand down and then realizes that Mahito has been an evil person all this time. Just as he puts the pieces together about his mother's murder, Junpei is transfigured by Mahito. Mahito forces Junpei to fight Yuji, trying to force the human boy to rely on Sukuna. However, Sukuna refuses to heal Junpei and both curses laugh at Yuji's expense. Junpei dies and Yuji realizes that he has no choice but to accept the truth. Mahito and Sukuna are nothing but curses. This forces Yuji to come to terms with the fact that he may not be able to help everyone. He's confronted by the reality of life as a Jujutsu sorcerer. That life being one of great pain, one in which he will watch countless more loved ones perish. Yuji is tormented by the fact that he couldn't save Junpei or his mother and has doubts about helping people to a natural death. What ensues is an intense battle. Nanami and Yuji manage to injure Mahito, however, in the end he manages to escape. Still plagued by his hatred for Mahito, Yuji swears never to lose again until he destroys Junpei's killer.

Death Painting Arc

Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara.

The Death Painting Arc is the fifth arc in Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen series. It follows Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara as they investigate a series of strange curse related murders. Their mission ends up leading the students to cross paths with the newly incarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings.

Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara are assigned a mission to investigate the mysterious deaths involving the victims. Each of whom died by their doorways under similar circumstances, where the entrances to their homes were left open with a curse waiting there to kill them. Supervised by Akari Nitta, the first-years' investigation takes them to Megumi's alma matter at Saitama Urami East Junior High. There, the sorcerers discover that the cursed victims all share an incident where they were found unconscious beneath Yasohachi Bridge. At the same time, Mahito and Suguru Geto plant the Cursed Womb: Death Paintings into human vessels, allowing them to incarnate. After checking in with Ijichi and running the info by him, Megumi realizes the danger of the Yasohachi Bridge curse and tries to investigate it on his own. Despite Megumi's concerns, Yuji and Nobara accompany him and learn more about their friend.

Megumi lets go of his restraints.

Megumi deduces the correct sequence of conditions to pass through the curses barrier beneath the bridge and the three first-years cross over into its domain. They discover the Yashohachi Bridge curse is a mole-like monster that pokes its head out rapidly from several exits. Just before the exorcism begins, Kechizu abruptly enters the barrier behind the sorcerers. While Yuji deals with Kechizu, Megumi and Nobara attempt to exorcise the other curse. Another party is added to the chaos when Kechizu's older brother, Eso, takes Nobara out of the Domain. He reveals that the Death Paintings have been assigned with retrieving Sukuna's finger. Megumi exorcises the mole curse and discovers that another finger bearer just like the one at the Detention Center has been hidden in the barrier. Megumi battles the Finger Bearer and quickly learns this one is far more powerful than the previous curse. He recalls training with Gojo and how he needs to imagine a better version of himself instead of trying to match of up to Yuji. After being battered by the curse, Megumi lets go of his restraints and lets his cursed energy flow freely, manifesting his own Domain Expansion for the first time. Shattering his limits, Megumi defeats the special grade curse and proves he's far stronger than he's been giving himself credit for.

Yuji and Nobara initially evade danger but are both eventually struck by the Death Paintings' poison blood. Infected with the decomposing effect of Rot Technique Maximum: Decay, Nobara has no choice but to impale herself with Resonance to counter. It's effective, injuring both brothers at the same time as Nobara invites them to play a deadly game of chicken.

Nobara impales herself with Resonance

Using Straw Doll Technique: Resonance to stun the Death Paintings with piercing counterattacks, Yuji is able to pummel Kechizu with brute force. This leverages Eso into undoing the Decay technique to save his younger brother. Shortly after, the focus granted to them by the pain from the toxic blood allows Yuji and Nobara to tap into the sparks of black. They unleash Black Flash in their next attacks, critically injuring both brothers. Kechizu makes one last attempt to strike Nobara down but he's exorcised by Nobara's Hairpin attack. She tells Eso not to worry because he'll be joining his brother soon. As Eso cries for his fallen brother, Yuji and Nobara realize the gravity of killing someone that is flesh and blood. The injured Eso attempts to make a daring escape by taking a hostage aboard a speeding truck, but Nobara stops him by using Resonance on his severed arm. Yuji finishes the fight, apologizing before delivering the final blow that ends Eso for good.

Following the fighting, Yuji and Nobara take a moment to reflect on killing flesh and blood people. Despite being curses, they cried for one another and Yuji can't help but feel something as a result. Nobara believes these kind of things happen as a sorcerer but the two of them ultimately agree that they're accomplices in the murder of two brothers.

Key Battles